1x General on Horseback (3Cv)由OBR14 or Foot (4Bd)由OBR03 1x Equites (3Cv)由OBR15 or Comitatus (3Cv or 4Bd)由OBR16 and ROBR10 6x Numeri (4Ax)由OBR04/05 or Pedyt (4Sp)由OBR09 1x Saxons (4Wb)洋ix of SAXO06-09 2x Saxons (4Wb)洋ix of SAXO06-09 or Militia (7Hd)洋ix of SAXO03-05 1x Archers (2Ps)由OBR07 Total Figures: 9 Cavalry and 84 Infantry
**Please note that the picture is not of the contents of the army but simply provided to give a sense of what the figures look like.
1x General (3Cv)由OBR14 2x Comitatus (3Cv)由OBR15 1x Comitatus (3Cv)由OBR16 or Pedyt (4Sp)由OBR04/05 7x Peydt (4Sp)由OBR04/05 1x Archer (2Ps)由OBR07 Total Figures: 12 Cavalry and 34 Infantry
**Please note that the picture is not of the contents of the army but simply provided to give a sense of what the figures look like.
After AD 304 the five 'barbarian' tribes divided north China among themselves, setting up dynasties which were often Chinese only in name, and feuding constantly both with each other and with the native states, whose stronghold was now in the south. It was under this barbarian influence that the heavily-armoured cavalry which were to become the striking force of the great T'ang dynasty in the 7th and 8th centuries first developed. In a knowledgeable text complemented by numerous illustrations, this book explores the history, weaponry, tactics and organisation of medieval Chinese armies between 200 BC and AD 589.